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Library Advocacy Day


Registration is now open!    Library Advocacy Day is Tuesday, February 4, 2025. 

In an effort to make Library Advocacy Day more accessible for libraries and library champions throughout the state, MLA is providing the Welcome and Orientation at no cost to attendees. 

Registration is required.   Registration will be open until Thursday, January 30.

For the Welcome and Orientation session on February 4, doors will open at 9:30 am. The session with our speakers will run from 10 am to 11 am. Legislator visits will take place that same day from 1 pm to 5 pm.

Lunch is not provided this year which has allowed us to make registration free this year. Attendees are encouraged to continue the conversations of the morning into the lunch time and plan where to eat ahead of the day.  Lunch is on your own.

Don’t forget to set up your appointments with your senators and representatives! If you are not sure who you senator or representative is or if you need to find contact information, use these links:

Missouri Senators –

Missouri Representatives –

Familiarize yourself with the MLA Legislative Priorities for 2025

Talking Points

Why Advocacy Day?

Librarians, library trustees and friends from across Missouri come together on one day to meet with State Representatives and Senators to discuss the importance of all libraries — academic, public and school — and their contributions to the lives of Missourians.

Through meetings with elected officials, we raise awareness of the importance of State Aide to Public Libraries and the services of the Missouri State Library.

By coming together in Jefferson City on Missouri Library Advocacy Day, we promote libraries in a visible way, and by our numbers, show the importance of libraries state-wide.  Face-to-face discussion is the most effective means of communication and is essential to the establishment of a solid working relationship.

While this event is important, it is only one communication with your legislators. Your meeting with your legislator should make it easier to contact him/her during the session as issues arise and we ask for your support. Building long term relationships with your legislators is the key to effective communication. This event is a great opportunity to begin building relationships with your elected officials.


 Contact Cody Croan, MLA Legislative Committee Chair,

Legislative Committee


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State Partner for Missouri

MLA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

PO Box 684

Jefferson City, MO 65102

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